The Difference between cheaper and expensive sofas?

It’s perfectly normal to come across a furniture store and wonder why the price of sofas differs so much. The reason why some sofas can be more expensive than others is due to the materials used both on the outside and the inside, the kind of labour, and the construction quality.

Hence, the price of a couch is dependent on the following factors:

Kinds of Materials Used:

The materials most furniture manufacturers use for sofas are hardwood and softwood.

Hardwood like ash, beech, and oak is unique in its looks and is very sturdy. It weighs heavier and tends to last generations. That’s the reason why settees made from hardwood come with a hefty price tag.

Softwood such as spruce, pine, and cedar is lightweight but still is able to withstand deformation due to temperature changes.

The Fabric Used for Sofas:

The fabric of the sofa determines its look, texture, and of course, quality. High-end sofas generally feature leather, velvet, or specialised fabrics. This not only gives the sofa a luxurious look but also withstands wear and tear to a great extent to prevent reupholstering.

As opposed to this, cheap sofas come with poor quality fabrics and this is the reason why they start fading and ripping within a short period of time.

Method of Production:

You may have noticed that off-the-rack or ready-made sofas are generally cheaper than custom-made ones. Have you ever wondered why?

It’s because custom-made sofas are given more time individually by the workers to ensure the quality and look meet the expectations of the customer. Custom-made couches are also hand-made, which means more time and effort is dedicated to the production process.

Whereas, on the other hand, ready-made settees are cheap because they are produced in bulk (mass production) and the quality is compromised.

Skilled or Semi-Skilled Labor:

Semi-skilled labor is usually paid less, therefore, they try to complete as many jobs as possible. On the other hand, skilled workers are masters of their work and know techniques for producing a high-end couch.

Now, the real question is how can you tell if the couch is made by semi-skilled or skilled labor?

You can merely tell by the look of it. Uneven edges, poor-quality polish, significantly visible nails, or heavy use of adhesive are all signs of poor quality work and, therefore, such couches cost quite low. They don’t tend to last longer due to the inferior quality of construction.

The Filling:

Whether you want a soft and cosy or a firm settee depends on the quality of the filling. Usually, there are three kinds of filling – feather, fibre, and foam.

Feather fill contains mostly duck feathers to make the couch super soft and plump and to ensure it doesn’t sag. It can be extremely costly.

Whereas there are modern foam materials that can be less expensive and still comfy.

Are Expensive Couches Worth It?

Now that you know how an inexpensive sofa differs from an expensive one in terms of quality, construction, comfort level, and aesthetic appeal, you can make the right decision for yourself and your family.

Expensive top-notch quality couches can last up to 25 years, whereas cheaper substandard settees can last less than 2 years.

If you want your investment to be worthwhile and one-off, it’s better to save up and purchase an expensive sofa, as you won’t be buying it every other day.

A chic and elegant expensive couch will not only provide you with years of comfort but also peace of mind.